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release date
February 16th 2024

GRIFFON – De Republica

The band came into being at the end of 2013, thanks to the artistic collaboration of Sinai and Aharon.
Their first release, an EP, saw the light of day in 2014, marking their musical debut.
In 2016, the band released their debut album entitled “Har HaKarmel”, exploring themes related to the decay of paganism.
In 2019, the band released a split in collaboration with Darkenhöld, under the aegis of Les Acteurs de l’Ombre.
Continuing their momentum, 2020 saw the release of their second album, dubbed “ὄ θεός ό βασιλεύς”, distributed by Les Acteurs de l’Ombre. This album delves into the relationship between politics and divinity.
In 2023, the band reveals its third album, entitled “De Republica”.

STYLE: Black Metal
ORIGIN: France
DURATION: 37min01
LABEL: Les Acteurs de L’Ombre Productions
NETWORK DISTRIBUTOR: Season of Mist / Plastic Head

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