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release date
May 3rd 2024

MOISSON LIVIDE – Sent Empèri Gascon

Moisson Livide is a musical project from Gascony (South-west of France), blending Black, Folk, Heavy and Power Metal, created in 2022 by Darkagnan, aka Baptiste Labenne from the band Boisson Divine*.
An ideal son-in-law who took out the rubbish and said hello to the neighbours, he gradually turned to the dark side when Black Metal bands asked him to collaborate with them. His discovery of the French melodic Black Metal scene with its medieval tendencies (Véhémence, Aorlhac, Paydretz, Abduction...) ended up turning him completely inside out, so much so that his compositions naturally turned towards this style.
The result is an album called 'Sent Empèri Gascon' (Holy Gascon Empire), combining the aggression and harshness of Black Metal, the melodic quality and luminosity of Heavy/Power Metal and the folk touches of local instruments. The long, epic tracks are never too scattered, thanks to solid structures and a cult for big choruses, despite the somewhat bizarre and contradictory musical elements (punk, military music, hunting music...).
Sung entirely in the Gascon language, the lyrics oscillate between reality and fiction, everyday life and old legends, the past and the future, the serious and the zany, with a strong rural flavour, reflecting the life and imagination of its author.
Halfway between Dissection and Rhapsody, on the road between Bas-Armagnac and Proxima Centauri, at the crossroads of medieval archaism and techno-modernist futurism, Moisson Livide is a project that condemns itself to divide listeners, in the purest Coubertin spirit, for the simple beauty of the gesture.

"What are you saying? It's useless? I know it is! But you don't fight in the hope of success! No! No, it's much more beautiful when it's pointless! » Cyrano de Bergerac.

*Boisson Divine are a Heavy/Folk Metal band from Riscle (32400), who have released three albums to date.

STYLE: True Gascon Heavy Black Metal
ORIGIN: Gascony
DURATION : 44:20
LABEL : Antiq Label

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